GFD Moves To Ensure Swift Implementation of 30 UN Recommendations for PWDs

The Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations (GFD) has been lauded for its proactive efforts to ensure the swift implementation of the 30 recommendations made by the United Nations General Assembly during the 4th Cycle of the Universal Peer Review (UPR) for Persons With Disabilities in Ghana.
At a stakeholder engagement held in Accra, the Executive Director of Perfector of Sentiments Foundation (PoS), Mr. Jonathan Osei Owusu, shed more light on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and discussed how the Federation could advocate for the implementation of the recommendations. During the UN General Assembly, 111 countries made a total of 298 recommendations for Ghana, out of which 268 were accepted.
The PoS Executive Director made this known when he gave further explanation to a presentation done on his behalf by a Project Officer of PoS, Ms. Judy Eyram Akosua Agbo on the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the UPR 4th Cycle.
The presentation pointed out that CSOs are to hold the government accountable for the successes and failures chalked on the recommendations. She said they do this by enhancing continuous reporting and monitoring of recommendations.
Mr. Osei Owusu said the Federation is the only group that has taken the lead to ensure that their part of the recommendations are being implemented and urged them to work hard for the success of their implementations.
The Program Officer of the Federation, Mr. Wahab Abdul Adams in his presentation stressed the need for members of the Federation to come together and work towards the seven (7) thematic areas of the recommendations namely; Policies/Legislation consists of 11 recommendations, of which Ghana is tasked to make progress in harmonizing the Persons with Disabilities Act with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and allocate resources towards inclusive policies.
Mental Health 4 recommendations, here in Ghana are to extend training to all mental health staff, caregivers, and traditional and faith-based practitioners to reduce stigma and discrimination and move towards rights-based approaches in mental health in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Education 7 recommendations,
Under Education, Ghana was asked to make further efforts to promote inclusive education for all and to finalize provisions to support children with severe forms of disabilities to access schools.
Social Protection 2 recommendations under this state is to consider investing more resources in supporting people with disabilities, to ensure that children with disabilities are not left to survive on the street after having been rejected by their extended family members.
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Others include; Inclusion and non – discrimination 4 recommendations, Ghana is to allocate further resources for protecting the rights of disabled persons and work to include people with disabilities and enable them to contribute to economic development.
Health 1 recommendation in this instance the state is to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities and improve the health services provided to them, and Awareness Raising 1 recommendation, under this thematic area, Ghana is to carry out awareness-raising campaigns to combat negative attitudes against persons with disabilities, so they could advocate vehemently for a quick implementation of the recommendations.
By Margaret Esaah Boakye