CDD Ghana and HRC Condemn Ghana’s Unconstitutional Anti-LGBTQ Bill

In a swift response to the recent passage of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill by the Parliament of Ghana on February 28, 2024, the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD Ghana) and the Human Rights Coalition(HRC) released a strong statement expressing their regret and labeling the bill as ill-conceived, unconstitutional, and not in the nation’s best interest.
Highlighting the challenges faced during the bill’s consideration, the Coalition stressed the difficulty in fostering level-headed debate due to mass hysteria and fanaticism among the bill’s proponents.
Despite their disappointment with Parliament’s decision, they remain resolute in their conviction and underline the importance of fighting against the bill outside of Parliament.
These remarks were contained in a statement press statement issued and signed by CDD-Ghana and the Human Rights Coalition, signaling their continued dedication to challenging the controversial bill.
Asserting Ghana’s commitment to constitutional democracy, the Coalition emphasizes that the passage of the bill is not the end of the matter.
The statement also called for the Supreme Court to hear and determine the case challenging the bill’s constitutionality, citing violations of Article 108 of the Constitution.
READ ALSO: Anti-LGBTQ Bill infringes upon fundamental human rights- Coalition echoes
The statement further argued that the bill, which imposes penal sanctions and restricts various rights, fails both Article 108 and multiple substantive constitutional tests. They express confidence that the Supreme Court will find the bill unconstitutional.
Addressing the public, especially law enforcement, the Coalition reminds that despite Parliament’s action, the bill is not yet law, and the legal status quo remains unchanged.
However, they urged law enforcement authorities to uphold their professional obligations without prejudice and ensure the protection of the rights of all individuals, including those suspected or accused of being LGBTQ.
Below is the full statement HRC
Press Release _ CDD-Ghana and HRC Reaction to Passage of Anti-LGBTQ Bill
Source: Isaac Kofi Dzokpo/