PHMA Education Directorate builds the capacity of basic school teachers

The Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Education Directorate in collaboration with the Ghana Learning Accountability Program (GALOP) has organized two days of training on the transition into English (T 2 E) at Bogoso.
The training is to build the capacity of basic school teachers to improve learning outcomes in schools and to sustain them.
The District teacher support team intends to train teachers of all hundred and ten schools that consist of both GALOP and non-GALOP schools.
The teachers have been grouped into three Zones, the zone one (1) consists of teachers of Bogoso, Beppo, Awudua, and Insu Siding.
Zone two(2) consists of Prestea, Himan, and Bondaye and finally, Zone three(3) forms teachers of Aboso (A&B), Huni-Valley, and Damang.
The first Zone has four circuits, Beppo with nine primary school teachers, Insu siding with 16 primary school teachers with a total of eighty-two people, Bogoso has 14 primary school teachers and Awudua with six primary school teachers making a total of seventy-five primary one to three teachers and ninety teachers from Kindergarten.
Speaking to the trainees, the Municipal Director of Education Mr. Sebastian Atrema Diaw, said US-AID learning came out with a program to prepare the children at an early grade (KG, to basic 3) and they have already trained Seven thousand two Hundred (7,200) primary two (2) teachers across the country.
Also, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand (137,000) Kindergarten and primary one (1) teachers, and are in the process of handing over the program to the ministry of education and the Ghana Education Service.
He added that in other to continue such a good initiative, the Ghana Education Service through the intervention of the Ghana learning Accountability Program has supported them with books to help improve the performance in the schools. This he said, the US-AID has handed over the program to GALOP.
Mr. Atrama Diaw added that the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Education Directorate adapted the intervention that was initiated and instead of focusing on primary one to three, they added kindergarten teachers to train them on phonics.
This he said will help teach the kids at an early age so that they do well at their basic level. He welcomed all the teachers and urged them to take the training seriously as their output would be determined by their field of work.